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Shadow Code

Maintaining control over code and its sources has become increasingly challenging. This challenge has given rise to a phenomenon known as shadow code.

Like shadow IT, where employees use unauthorized software and services, shadow code entails unauthorized scripts or code snippets integrated into web applications without proper oversight.

This article aims to delve into what shadow code is, its potential risks, and effective strategies for managing these risks in web development projects.

What is Shadow Code?

Shadow code refers to any code in a web application that is added without explicit approval from IT or security governance teams, which generally includes libraries, APIs, third-party scripts, or even custom code written by developers that have not gone through the standard security checks and balances.

Also and often, shadow code is introduced to expedite development or to integrate new functionalities that require external services.

Key Sources of Shadow Code

  • Third-party Scripts: Common in modern web development, third-party scripts for analytics, customer support widgets, advertising, and social media can introduce shadow code, and are also easy to implement but often bypass formal review processes.

  • Open-source Libraries: While open-source libraries boost development speed, they can become sources of shadow code if used without proper validation, especially when they include additional, unnecessary code.

  • Internal Custom Scripts: Developers may add custom scripts or modify existing ones to address immediate issues or add features without undergoing the normal review process, inadvertently creating shadow code.

Mechanisms to Manage Shadow Code

To effectively manage shadow code, organizations usually employ a diverse set of approaches, like integrating security into the development lifecycle, improving monitoring with real-time and anomaly detection, enforcing dynamic access controls, and using software composition analysis for third-party management.

Additionally, regular training, stricter content security policies, and a robust incident response plan are equally fundamental to mitigate the risks associated with unauthorized code in web applications.

Integration of DevSecOps Practices

  • Security Integration in Development Lifecycle: The integration of security techniques at every stage of the software development life-cycle grants that all code, including third-party and custom scripts, is always evaluated for security risks before deployment, encouraging developers and operations teams to collaborate with security teams, which helps in defining and resolving security issues early.

  • Automated Security Scanning: Implement tools that automatically scan new code commits for security issues in real-time, aiding to detect potentially malicious or vulnerable shadow code as it is introduced.

Enhanced Monitoring and Logging

  • Real-time Monitoring: Deploy systems that monitor and log all changes to the web application's codebase, that helps in detecting the introduction of shadow code as well as in understanding its impact on the system’s security and performance.

  • Anomaly Detection: Use advanced machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies in code behavior that might indicate the presence of unauthorized code to catch sophisticated shadow code that might not be detected by traditional security tools.

Dependency and Third-Party Management

  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA): Implement or integrate SCA tools to manage and secure open-source components to analyze and track open-source libraries and dependencies for vulnerabilities, licensing issues, and outdated components.

  • Vendor Risk Management: Establish either strict criteria for selecting and evaluating third-party vendors whose scripts or services might be integrated into the application, with regular audits and compliance checks that should be part of the vendor management process.

Policy Enforcement and Cultural Change

  • Dynamic Access Controls: Implement dynamic access control systems that can automatically enforce policies based on the context of the code execution and user activities, restricting script executions based on their source, intent, and behavior.

  • Regular Training and Workshops: Conduct regular training sessions and workshops for developers to raise awareness about the risks associated with shadow code. This training should include best practices for securely integrating third-party services and the importance of adhering to internal security policies.

  • Promoting a Security-centric Culture: Always feed a culture where security is everyone's responsibility; encouraging open communication about security concerns and rewarding compliance with security best practices can indeed significantly reduce the risk of shadow code.

Keep Your Code Bright

Shadow code presents a significant challenge in web development, subtly undermining the security and integrity of digital platforms, and tackling this hidden risk requires clearly a well structured approach, blending advanced technological solutions with proactive governance and a strong security culture.

It’s surely possible to shield companies' operations from potential vulnerabilities just by being aware of the pervasive nature of shadow code and developing stringent management strategies.

Emphasizing education, policy enforcement, and continuous monitoring will empower developers and security teams alike, driving an environment where safety and compliance are rules in web development.

How Jcrambler can help you

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