Web Security

6 Tips to Fully Use Your Client-Side Risk Assessment

July 9th, 2024 | By Jscrambler | 5 min read

Cyber threats lurk around every corner, and safeguarding client-side assets has become paramount for businesses of all sizes and industries. Client-side risk assessment is a crucial (free) tool and security measure to detect and defend from client-side attacks that should be used to build a digital fortress against malicious actors. 

Continuous risk assessment provides ongoing vigilance and a dynamic approach to identifying, evaluating, and mitigating risks. Here are six key value areas where continuous risk assessment outperforms a one-time assessment.

Key Value Areas of Continuous Client-Side Risk Assessment

  1. Real-Time Threat Detection and Response

    • One-Time Risk Assessment - Provides a snapshot of the risk environment at a single point in time.

    • Continuous Risk Assessment - Monitors for threats in real-time, allowing for immediate detection and response to new and evolving threats.

  2. Dynamic Risk Management

    • One-Time Risk Assessment: Assesses risks based on static data, which may quickly become outdated.

    • Continuous Risk Assessment: Adjusts to changes in the risk environment dynamically, ensuring risk management strategies are always current.

  3. Improved Accuracy and Insights

    • One-Time Risk Assessment: Limited to the data and context available at the time of the assessment.

    • Continuous Risk Assessment: Continuously collects and analyzes data, leading to more accurate risk profiles and deeper insights into potential vulnerabilities.

  4. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

    • One-Time Risk Assessment: This may leave gaps in compliance as regulations and standards evolve.

    • Continuous Risk Assessment: Ensures ongoing compliance with the latest regulations and standards, reducing the risk of penalties and enhancing governance.

  5. Proactive Risk Mitigation

    • One-Time Risk Assessment: Reactive, often leading to delayed responses to new risks.

    • Continuous Risk Assessment: Enables proactive identification and mitigation of risks before they materialize into significant issues.

  6. Cost Efficiency and Resource Optimization

    • One-Time Risk Assessment: This can result in higher long-term costs due to the need for repeated assessments and potential losses from undetected risks.

    • Continuous Risk Assessment: Optimizes resource allocation and reduces costs by continuously managing risks and preventing major incidents.

Client-Side Risk Assessment: What and How to Assess

1. Clearly define its scope

Begin by defining the scope of your client-side risk assessment in detail. Identify all endpoints, devices, and applications that interact with your systems.

This inclusive approach ensures that potential vulnerabilities are identified, providing a holistic view of your risk landscape.

2. Monitor in real-time

Embrace the advantages of real-time monitoring to stay one step ahead of evolving threats. 

Implement solutions that offer continuous surveillance of client-side activities, enabling prompt detection and response to suspicious behavior. By proactively monitoring, you can block threats before they escalate into full-blown breaches.

3. Analyze the typical user behavior and gather information on the context

By understanding typical user behavior, you can pinpoint anomalous actions that may signify unauthorized access or malicious intent. Also, context is essential when it comes to assessing client-side risks. 

Augment your risk assessment process with contextual intelligence gathered from diverse sources such as threat intelligence feeds, user behavior analytics, and historical data. 

4. Integrate the risk assessment with your security measures

Integrate your client-side risk assessment seamlessly with existing security controls to create a unified defense posture. These primary security measures to prevent, detect, and defend your web apps from client-side attacks, like skimming, include:

  • Vulnerability and client-side security assessment reports.

  • First-party code scramblers and polymorphic JavaScript obfuscators.

  • Client-side JavaScript vulnerability scanning. 

  • Client-side attack surface monitoring, including third-party script behavior. 

  • JavaScript security permissions. 

5. Thrive for continuous improvement

Client-side risk assessment is not a one-time effort but a continuous journey. Regularly evaluate and refine your risk assessment strategies in response to evolving threats and organizational changes.

Solicit feedback from stakeholders and incorporate lessons learned from past incidents to enhance the robustness of your risk management practices.

6. Keep educating the workforce

Empower your workforce with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to client-side risk assessment efforts.

Provide comprehensive training on cybersecurity best practices, threat awareness, and incident response protocols. By fostering a culture of security awareness, you can enlist employees as vigilant guardians of your digital assets.

Final Thoughts on Client-side Security Basics

In conclusion, client-side risk assessment reports anchor every company’s cybersecurity arsenal, offering invaluable insights into potential vulnerabilities and threats.

Organizations can bolster their defenses by adopting a proactive and holistic approach to risk assessment. Implementing the tips above will empower you to fully utilize your client-side risk assessment capabilities, ensuring resilience in adversity.

Are you curious about this client-side risk assessment by Jscrambler?

Uncover security vulnerabilities within the client-side security landscape with Jscrambler. Is your website’s use of cookies and tracking pixels enhancing your customer’s personal data privacy and protection?

See what sensitive data your website collects and shares with third parties – also useful for CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), PCI DSS v4, GDPR, and ePrivacy Directive (ePR) compliance.

The ultimate risk assessment for client-side protection and compliance

Learn everything you need about client-side protection and compliance to enhance your JavaScript web applications and customer data security. 

The client-side risk assessment report by Jscrambler provides guidance to secure your business in the current digital landscape in two relevant ecosystems: the first-party and the third-party code. 

This custom snapshot of your web app client-side risks includes:

  • Client-side security score. 

  • Likelihood of data breach and data vulnerability findings. 

  • JavaScript vulnerabilities.

  • Inventory of all third-party scripts.

  • Third-party script misbehaviors.

  • Identification of risky vendors.

  • Third-party code supply chain analysis (open source, scripts, images, documents, among others).

  • Insights about the exposure of client-side assets to attacks and threats. 

  • Identify the pages with high-risk profiles.

  • PCI DSS v4 assessment insights.

  • First audit trail to reduce compliance and legal risks.

Discover if your website is hiding vulnerable or malicious code. 


The leader in client-side Web security. With Jscrambler, JavaScript applications become self-defensive and capable of detecting and blocking client-side attacks like Magecart.

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